Limelight Salvia Mexicana are GONE! (The ones against the fence. The ones on the right by the shed are still there.) I lost one last summer, it just couldn't take the heat. As for the rest, after re-evaluating that back fence area I realized that while I love the plant individually the overall effect was just a mass of green - you couldn't really see the flowers at all.
Plus it gives me an excuse to buy climbing roses! I got 3 Veilchenblau from the Antique Rose Emporium and we planted them against the back fence. Hopefully it will look like this:
Or this:
Sadly, my Passion Vine did not come back (at least not anywhere near the trellis hiding the AC unit) so I'm auditioning for replacements.
I also pulled up the Philippine Violets. They were a fine plant and I would use them again, I just didn't need any more dark foliage with lavender blooms in the back bed.